Transport & Sustainability Committee

             Agenda Item 30


Subject:                    Light Touch to Full Scheme Parking Programme


Date of meeting:    3 October 2023


Report of:                 Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture


Contact Officer:      Name: Charles Field

                                    Tel: 01273 292929



Ward(s) affected: All Wards


For general release


1.            Purpose of the report and policy context


1.1         Following the Budget Council decision in February 2023 to convert all light touch resident parking schemes to full schemes, this report outlines the way forward.


2.            Recommendations


2.1         That Committee approves an initial high-level consultation in the West Hove area, Hove Park area, Hanover & Elm Grove area, Coombe Road area & Wish Road area light touch parking schemes. This high-level consultation would seek resident’s views on converting to full schemes or remaining as a light touch parking scheme.


2.2         That Committee agrees that as part of this high-level consultation residents will be given options on keeping to a light touch parking scheme with a potential increased price for 2024/25 or changing to a full “outer” parking scheme with the current light touch prices frozen for 2024/25.


2.3         That Committee approves a new alternative permit pricing option for a full parking scheme permit in “outer” parts of the city as part of the above consultation.  This replicates all the current costs of light touch parking schemes.


3.            Context and background information


3.1      The parking scheme consultations across the city were undertaken in accordance with the parking scheme priority timetable programme, which were agreed at this Committee following various petitions and deputations. The latest parking scheme priority timetable was agreed at the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee on 21 November 2021 and Appendix A shows the current agreed timetable.


3.2      The process involves an initial consultation, where the Council writes to all addresses within a proposed area. This lets the Council determine whether there is general support for a parking scheme and if so, what type


3.3      The options provided are either a full scheme, which is in place from 9am to 8pm Monday to Sunday, or a light touch scheme, which operates for two one-hour timeslots during the day, usually one hour in the morning and one hour in the afternoon or evening.


3.4      Officers present the initial consultation results to the Environment, Transport and Sustainability (ETS) Committee (Now Transport & Sustainability). This allows committee members to determine the next step based on officer recommendations.


3.5      If the committee's decision is to go ahead with the new controlled parking zone, the Council then consult the area on a detailed design for the scheme. This will show a plan of the approximate location of the different parking bay types and the days and times of operation.


3.6      The results of the detailed design consultation are presented to Committee. Based on the results and officer recommendations committee members determine whether the controlled parking zone should go ahead.


3.7      The final phase is the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) stage, which is the legal document that makes parking restrictions enforceable. Residents can submit objections or comments in support of the TRO during the 21-day consultation period. Officers present these comments to the committee to determine final approval. If committee approves the way forward, officers begin the process of implementing the scheme. This includes a number of factors such as signing and lining infrastructure, permit applications and enforcement arrangements.


3.8      The current budget savings proposal to change light touch parking schemes to full schemes was approved at ETS Committee in January 2023 and then at Budget Council in February 2023, and prepared in accordance with the council’s fees and charges policy which formed part of the budget strategy. By following the approved programme every year for 4 years it would create an additional saving of £300k per annum.


3.9      Light touch schemes do not utilise the entire available road space leaving a significant number of empty spaces during the day. Appendix A outlines the take-up of light touch scheme resident permits compared to capacity. The schemes also cause difficulties for enforcement as many of the enforcement periods are in the same hour which reduces flexibility and efficiency.


3.10    To alleviate any concerns regarding increased permit costs by converting light touch parking schemes to full schemes it is proposed that a new “outer” full parking scheme cost is introduced for resident permits to replicate the light touch parking scheme cost. This would only be introduced if any areas come forward wanting to convert to a full scheme. If residents want to keep to a light touch parking scheme then to take into account the lost utilisation of road space in the area there would need to be an increased price for light touch parking schemes considered for 2024/25.


3.11    The outcome of the high-level consultation will be reported back to the next Transport & Sustainability Committee in December to agree the way forward and inform the 2024/25 budget process.


4.            Analysis and consideration of alternative options


4.1      It is recommended by officers to proceed with the recommendations. The other option is to do nothing but this is not recommended for the reasons outlined within the report.  There is a requirement to bring forward schemes in accordance with previous committee approvals.


5             Community engagement and consultation


5.1         The intention is to consult the light touch schemes in the West Hove area, Hove Park area, Hanover & Elm Grove area, Coombe Road area & Wish Road area as soon as possible. This is an opportunity to see if residents, services & businesses in these areas would like to be considered for a full parking scheme or remain as a light touch parking scheme with potential price increases in 2024/25. The consultation results would be broken down by zone with the results being presented back to this Committee in December.


5.2         The light touch parking schemes in the Hallyburton Road area, the South Portslade area and the Surrenden Road area would not be consulted at this time. This is because public consultation has been taken place within the areas in the past 18 months and residents have already outlined recently that they would like a light touch parking scheme.


6.            Conclusion


6.1         As set out in the body of the report and the recommendations.


7.            Financial implications


7.1         The costs associated with the recommendations of this report will be contained within the current Parking Services budgets under additional parking income generated. The £0.3m Savings target has been applied to the budgets for converting light touch to full schemes, of which £0.45m will be achieved allowing for 0.15m of increased staffing costs to take this project forward. Any further enforcement costs if applicable are anticipated to be covered by increased enforcement income streams.


7.2         Use of surplus income from parking charges and penalty charges is governed by section 55 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. Once the direct costs of traffic management have been met, the use of surpluses is legally ringfenced to the provision of public transport services and to road, air quality and environmental improvements.


7.3         Parking charges are subject to the Council’s Corporate Fees and Charges Policy. As a minimum, charges will be reviewed annually as part of the budget and service planning process.


Name of finance officer consulted: David Wilder      Date consulted: 22/09/23


8.            Legal implications


8.1         The Council regulates traffic by means of orders made under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. The procedure for making such orders is contained in the Local Authorities' Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996 which require public notice of proposed orders to be given and for the relevant documents to be placed on deposit for public inspection. Any person may object to the making of an order. The Council’s Constitution provides that decisions on TROs are made by Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee where there are either six or more unresolved objections or the matter has been called in.


Name of lawyer consulted: Katie Kam           Date consulted: 26/06/23


9.            Equalities implications


9.1         Consultation took place and the comments and wishes of the respondents were taken into account when considering what changes would best meet the needs of those local population. Engagement with a wide range of residents has been built into the process from the start including an equality monitoring form. The use and analysis of data and engagement has informed the project to ensure it meets the needs of the local population. The proposed measures will be of benefit to many road users.


10.         Sustainability implications


10.1      Parking schemes can help to encourage less polluting travel options and reduce emissions. In addition, congestion can affect the reliability of journey times and long-term parking can reduce accessibility. Parking schemes can help to encourage alternative transport choices and higher turnover of spaces. Better accessibility through a high turnover of vehicles being parked helps to support local businesses.


Supporting Documentation




Appendix A – Existing Priority Timetable



Background documents


            Agenda Item 66 – Report to ETS Committee 17 January 2023

            Agenda Item 91 – Report to Council 23 February 2023